multi-lingual speaking AI

Turn Text to Speech Multi-lingual Speaking A.I.


Description: It is A.I. app combining translation with TTS(text to speech). It translates text into a target language and then read instantly the translated text outloud with the voice of a native speaker. Your text could contain as many as 250,000 words. It works for 120 languages. Say goodbye to language barriers and hello to seamless communication across borders. This A.I. seemingly turns you into native speaker of 120 languages. It is handy for international tourists, language students, youtubers, tiktokers, etc.


STEP 1. From the slection box below 'Speak Button', Select the 'target language'

STEP 2. Clicking on select-language box located at upper left corner below MENU to choose the same target language. Please make sure 'select language' box displays the name of the target language.

STEP 3. copy and past your text into text box above。

STEP 4. click TRANSLATE button。

Step 5. click speak button

Step 6. Wait. For daily dialogue, it responds instantly. It may take a few second to process if the text is very long.

Side Note: When target language is English, English is not among the list of languages. To resolve this issue, please select source language first by clicking on select-language box located at upper left corner below MENU. Once the source language is selected, you can locate and set 'English' as target language among the list of languages.